Appointment overview
Within the appointment overview of your organization, you can see all appointments that are due within the next month.
Use the selection at the top right to choose any other period to display further appointments.
At this point, you can also set whether further columns (e.g. with the repetition frequency of an appointment) are to be displaPopularShift schedules
Here you can create and manage shift schedules. Each shift schedule can contain any number of shifts with any number of participants. The shift schedules themselves can be active permanently or alternate on a weekly basis. In the event of an alarm, only the participants assigned to an active shift are alerted.
If none of the shift schedules are active at a given time, all participants are rSome readersAlarm templates
Alarm templates
Alarm templates can be used to prepare an alarm in the field. In an alarm template, not only the alarm text can be predefined as in the text templates, but also all other fields of an alarm. For example, you can configure the resources, alerting mode and other information of an alarm in an alarm template. All stored information is then automatically filled in when the alarm is triggered, saving precious time in an emergency.Some readersConfiguration
In the configuration area, the alerting and organizational structure is mapped. Here you create and manage participants, labels, units, and scenarios.
To support you, GroupAlarm automatically performs various plausibility checks. If the system detects an error, this is indicated by a warning triangle in the sidebar. Hold the mouse pointer over the triangle to read the warning notice. In this way, it is possible to determine whether all alerting elements mesh coherently before tSome readersTags
In the context of a complex organizational structure, tags are suitable for triggering an alarm in the higher organization in some or all of the lower organizations. All alarm data, such as text and coordinates, are retained.
First create a new tag in your parent organizSome readersGeofences
GroupAlarm offers two application options for the use of geofences:
With geofences, you can specifically alert employees and emergency forces who are in a defined area or region.
Optionally, participants located within a geofence can be alerted with increased priority. If the desired strength cannot be achieved in this way, the alerting is escalated to emergencSome readersLabels
A label represents a required qualification within an alarm.
Possible target-oriented labels within a BOS organization are, for example, platoon leader, machine operator or respiratory protection equipment carrier.
Within a company, individual employee positions such as marketing, IT administration or development can be mapped.
Labels are given a name, a description, and a colour so that they can be easily recognized and distinguished.
Created labels are assigned to one or moreSome readersText templates
Text templates
Text templates are predefined alarm texts that can be inserted when an alarm is triggered.
In this menu, you see an overview of the created templates and can edit, delete and create new templates.
Create new template
Click on the "NEW" button. Enter aSome readersUnits
A unit is a group of participants who have a desired qualification (in the form of a label). So, here you define, for example, that your ambulance will be manned by an emergency paramedic and a paramedic. This allows you to map vehicles, foot units and more.
You can then combine several units in a scenario, e.g. to form an AAO.
In the unit overview, you can see the unique ID, the name incl. description and the necessary labels that make up your units. In addition, you can show the exFew readersParticipants
In the Participants menu, you manage the participants in your organization. Here you can invite participants to your organization and assign labels to them. In the standard case, you as the organization administrator can edit the participants and also set their availabilities, such as SMS, e-mail, or telephone number. If a participant has restricted his or her visibility, you will be informed of this in the appropriate places.
Within an organization, you will finFew readersScenarios
Scenarios are used to depict possible events. Units are combined here, for example, according to an AAO or a hazard catalogue.
New scenario
To create a unit, click on "Create scenario".
In the following window, enter the name and description of the scenario.
Then select the required units from the drop-down menu. You can select individual units several times. Add more units with the plus symbol.
If you activate the option "Send assigned label to participant", a notification of the assigFew readersCreate or edit Geofences
Create or edit geofences
A geofence can be created and edited in the Configuration area.
Simply click on 'CREATE GEOFENCE' in the top left-hand corner.Few readersGeoalarm
To link alerts to geofences, the first step is to create a Smart Label and a Geofence and link them together.
Participants who are in this geofence and fulfil the conditions of the smart label are then automatically assigned this.
If, for example, you need all the group leaders who are near the fire station, simply link the geofence of the fire station with the label of the group leaders. You will receFew readersAvailability
The availability in GroupAlarm allows you as a participant to set a status in which you are not alerted. This can be useful, for example, for important appointments or when you are on holiday. The system will then not take you into account when an alarm is raised and will fall back on other members of your organisation when filling the positions in the alarm.
As an administrator, you can recognise unavailable participants in the Participants overview ( readers