Flow notifications in an organization
Flow notifications in an organization
If the execution of a flow fails, you can inform any participants or e-mail addresses. To do this, enter the respective recipients who are to receive an e-mail in the Organization Settings.Few readersOrganizational Settings
Organization settings
In the organization settings, you get an overview of the most important metrics and settings of your organization.
Open settings
To access the settings, click on the three dots next to the current organization in the sidebar. Here you can use this organization as the default organization, leave the organization and switch to the settings.
All settings
The following list giFew readersDashboard
Quick Actions
Use an organization's Quick Actions to quickly trigger a pre-made alert using tags or an alert template with just a few clicks. Note that to use tags within the Quick-Actions, you must have the Alerting sub-organisations extension enabled.
Please note the necessarFew readersLocation of an organization
Location of an organization
You can either define the location of your organization using the convenient address search, which automatically finds the appropriate longitude and latitude, or you can deliberately choose the coordinates yourself.
This location is used, for example, to calculate the journey time within the mobile apps and can be set in the Organization Settings.Few readersOrganization overview
Organization overview
The organization overview is the first point of contact with GroupAlarm for new participants after the initial setup.
All organizations in which you are a participant or owner are listed here. If there are further sub-organisations assigned to an organization, you can display them by clicking the blue button on the right side.
If you are a participant or owner of many organizatioFew readersTime zone of an organization
Time zone of an organization
Configure the time zone of your organization in the Organization Settings. This is used, for example, within the alarm reports, to convert the times there into the time zone of your organization.Few readersAdd owner to organization
Add owner to organization
You can add new owners to the organization in the Organization Settings. To do so, use the participant search within the organization or enter an email address directly.Few readersCreate an organisation
Create an organization
To create a new organization, click on the button CREATE ORGANIZATION within the organization overview. Then enter the name, description and, if applicable, a super-organisation and confirm with CREATE.Few readersInformation on the organization
Information on the organization
In the Organization Settings the ID of the organization, the number of added participants and all the owners of the organization are listed.
In addition, existing owners (apart from the last remaining owner) can be removed.Few readersAuthorisation settings in an Organization
Authorization settings in an Organization
Optionally configure here whether participants can only assign a role if they themselves are assigned to the role to be assigned. This setting affects neither organization administrators nor organization owners.Few readersEdit an organization
Edit an organization
The basic settings of the organization, i.e. name and description, can be adjusted in the Organization Settings.Few readersDelete an organization
Delete an organization
Finally, you can also delete your organization here.
To do this, however, the organization must not be active, but must be in the test phase or inactive (e.g. due to termination).Few readersAlarm settings of an organization
Alarm settings of an organization
In the Organization Settings, you can change and set specific settings about the type of alerting of your organization.
Alerting settings
Alert participants booked in event: By default, participants in an organization can only be booked into one event at a time. This happens automatically with the commitment to an alarm and is cancelled when the event is closedFew readersInvitations to an Organization
Invitations to an Organization
To give your organization's invitations a personal touch, it is possible to extend the invitation text here. This message is sent by e-mail to all invited participants. You can change this in the Organization Settings.
Time window for feedback
To give your participants more or lFew readersAlarm routes in an organization
Alarm routes
You can activate or deactivate individual alerting routes organisation-wide for all participants in the Organization Settings.
By default, all of them are activated and can cause additional costs.
Enable reachabilities for participants
If you have deactivated the reachabilities Call or SMS globally in the organization, no participant can be alerted via this reachability. To stiFew readersOverride escalation of participants
Override escalation of participants
Here, you can override the escalation of your participants' accessibility globally for all alarms within this organization.Few readers