In the Participants menu, you manage the participants in your organization. Here you can invite participants to your organization and assign labels to them. In the standard case, you as the organization administrator can edit the participants and also set their availabilities, such as SMS, e-mail, or telephone number. If a participant has restricted his or her visibility, you will be informed of this in the appropriate places.
Within an organization, you will find the participant view in the left navigation under Configuration > Participants. The list that now appears shows all participants in your organization. You can navigate through your participants page by page using the page navigation at the bottom.

An individual participant has an avatar that can be set by each participant. The coloured dot at the bottom right of the participant's avatar represents the availability of the participant within the organization. The availability of a participant has several states:

If there is only a greyish e-mail address of the participant and an e-mail icon in the list, the participant has been invited to the organization.
The participant must first accept the invitation to the organization before it can be used in the organization.
If the participant has accidentally deleted his/her invitation, it can be resent by clicking on the email icon.
Options for individual participants

In the Options menu, you have the option Assign labels to assign labels in the organization directly to the respective participant.
In addition, you can configure the participant's profile with the option Edit if the participant has allowed configuration by administrators. With Remove, you delete the participant from your organization.
In addition, you can enable the Call or SMS availabilities for this participant with the option Release availabilities. In this way, even if the reachability is globally deactivated in the organization settings, the reachability released here is used to alert the subscriber. For example, if you deactivate calls globally in the organization settings and release the availability call for a participant, this participant can still be alerted by call.
Add a new participant
You can invite new participants to your organisation using the ADD PARTICIPANT button. There are three possible ways to do this under Selection.

I have e-mail addresses
Inviting participants to your organisation by email is the most common and recommended way. The only thing you need are the e-mail addresses of the people you want to invite.
The email address also serves as the username of the participant's personal user account. And only participants who have been invited with a valid e-mail address, or more precisely whose user account has a valid e-mail address, can log in later and use the GroupAlarm App.
Participants receive an email when they are invited by email address, with which they can accept the invitation to the organisation. Participants who do not yet have their own user account for GroupAlarm can create a new user account during the invitation process.
With their personal user account, participants can then maintain their master data independently.
💡 To invite several participants at the same time by e-mail, enter one e-mail address per line in the input mask.
⚠️ In order for the participant who was invited by email to be added to the organisation in full, they must accept the invitation. Otherwise they will not be available for an alert.

I have a CSV file
When importing participants via CSV, you can upload a CSV file. If this CSV file contains a valid header line, the system can automatically assign the data from the columns to the respective data in the system for you. The assignment made can be viewed during the import and, if necessary, adjusted manually.
You should use the following column names in your CSV so that automatic assignment can take place:
Spaltenname | Zuordnung |
name | Name |
surname | Last Name |
label | Label |
device-phone | Device - Phone |
device-sms | Device - SMS |
device-email | Device - EMail |
role | Role |
externalID | External ID |
A valid CSV file could look like this:
email,name,surname,label1,label2,role,device-email,device-phone,Jane,Doe,Maschinist,SCBA,Demo Rolle,,,John,Doe,,SCBA,,,0049123456789,Jimmy,Doe,Fahrer,SCBA,Test Rolle,,
If you want to assign several labels, roles or devices of one type to a participant, you can number the column names. Example: label1,label2 or role1,role2. For participants for whom certain data such as roles or labels do not apply, simply leave the columns empty. John Doe in the example shown above does not have the Machinist label and should not receive a role or the device e-mail. If a participant is to receive certain other labels or roles of the same number, you do not need to insert a new column for this. It is not important that the same label or role is always used for each column.
⚠️ A role must already exist in your organisation. Otherwise, the role cannot be assigned.
You can use externalID to assign a fixed external ID to participants. Participant data can then also be updated via CSV using the Update master data function in the Settings area.
⚠️ Telephone numbers in the CSV file must be imported in the format 0049.... To prevent spreadsheet programmes from automatically removing leading zeros (0049... becomes 49...), you can format such columns as text.
I want to enter my participants manually
Manual entry is primarily used to create participants without an e-mail address. This can be useful if the participants do not have their own e-mail address. However, participants without an email address cannot use the GroupAlarm App.
You can check the participants' data during the invitation process and adjust it manually if necessary. If you have already transferred data, e.g. via CSV, the corresponding fields are pre-filled. If you have selected I would like to enter my participants manually, you will also be taken directly to this view and can then enter the data manually.
1️⃣ Above you can customise the email address and the name of the participant. You can also define an external ID. This external ID is used for a Import via CSV to uniquely assign the data in order to enable an update.
2️⃣ In the ASSIGNMENT area, you can assign Labels and Permissions to the participant in advance.
3️⃣ You can add one or more device for the participant under DEVICES. The GroupAlarm App cannot be stored as an device. This is automatically available as an device when the participant logs into the app.
💡 Phone numbers must be stored in the format with the country code (e.g. 0049). See also the note below the corresponding input field.

In the Settings step, you can specify how the data should be processed:
If a participant is assigned a label that does not yet exist in your organisation, the label is automatically created by the Create missing labels function when the participant is added.
If the label exists in GroupAlarm, you can use Assign labels automatically to automatically assign the label to the participant using this setting.
You can use the Update master data setting to update the participant's data if an external ID was assigned to the participant when they were first invited.
Replace assigned data can only be activated in combination with Update master data. This setting deletes all labels, roles and devices that are not present in the entry.
❗️ If you make changes to participants in the GroupAlarm WebApp and then update them again later via CSV file with Replace assigned data, the changes may be discarded. You should therefore also record changes in your CSV file.

As soon as all participants have been transferred to GroupAlarm, you will be shown the result. You will see a list of which participants were successfully invited and which were not.
Possible sources of error for a failed invitation process can be email addresses that already exist for participants in your organisation. Or, in the case of an update, the missing external ID, which is absolutely necessary for the system to be able to assign the data to the correct participant.

Assign labels
In the assignment matrix, the participants are linked to the labels. Which participant has which qualifications, or which participant would like to be able to be alerted in which role? Theoretically, each participant can be alerted in any of their selected labels. You can use the search function to search for participants by name. Labels are displayed in alphabetical order from left to right. If not all labels are displayed, use the scroll bar at the bottom to scroll left and right. To assign a label to a participant, click the corresponding checkbox. The green tick indicates that a participant is assigned to this label. To remove an assignment, simply click on the checkbox again. All changes are automatically saved.

Updated on: 04/09/2024
Thank you!