Close events automatically
Close events automatically
In this article, we will show you how to set up the automatic closing of an event after any waiting time via the flow in just a few steps.
Why automation makes sense
Each alarm is opened within an event. Theoretically, any number of alarms can be opened in an event. However, if the alarming takes place via a control centre, an event is usually opened with only one alarm.
As soon as a participant acknowledges the alarm positively, we assume that he is busy withFew readersTutorial: Passing COBRA Data to a Flow
Tutorial: Passing COBRA Data to a Flow
Follow these steps to trigger a flow via COBRA:
Create an empty flow and name it.
Next, add the HPPT Trigger from the selectable triggers.
HTTP Trigger
Now add the Trigger to the top of your flow by clicking on it and dragging it into the empty box.
Empty Flow ( readersTutorial: DWD weather warning as Flow Trigger
Tutorial: Weather Warning as Flow Trigger
To trigger a flow using a weather warning, you need to follow these steps:
Create an empty flow and name it.
Next, add the trigger DWD Weather Warning from the selectable triggers.
DWD weather warning
Now add the trigger to the top of your flow by clicking on it and dragging it into the empty box.
Empty Flow ( readersTutorial: Sending an email to trigger a flow
Tutorial: Sending an email to trigger a flow
To trigger a flow with an email, you need to add the following you need to follow these steps:
Create an empty flow and name it.
Next, add the Receive Email trigger from the selectable triggers.
E-mail received
now add the trigger to the top of your flow by clicking on it and dragging it into the empty box.
Empty Flow (https://storaFew readers