Flow functions
Flow functions
Currently, the following functions are available within a flow:
Triggers an alarm with the configured resources.
Format the details of an alarm with the configured string.
Loads the current details of an alarm.
Opens a new event.
Closes an open event.
Searches an event within the organization.
Sends an email to the stored recipients.
Sends an HTTP call to the specified URL.
Sends a message in Messenger to a chat room.
Sends a message to one or more pagers.
Processes JSON input into configured variables.
Processed XML input into configured variables.
whether a specified character string is included in a function result (e.g. 'TESTALARM' in the alarm text of the triggered alarm).
Checks whether one or more specified strings are contained in a function result.
Triggers a tag and associated alarms in sub-organisations.
Processes Text input into configured variables.
This function delays the execution of the next function by the specified seconds.
Dynamically joins multiple strings together using custom variables.
Updated on: 28/02/2023
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