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Organisation settings - Time window for feedback

You can use the Time window for feedback to define the time you want to allow participants to provide feedback on an alarm. If a participant exceeds this time window, they are assigned the status no feedback. Such a participant is then not used to fill positions in the alarm.

The time window takes effect when all availabilities of the participant have been alerted. The Time window for feedback therefore also influences when another participant is alerted if you use alerting via Best effort in combination with a Headcount.

For example:

You have set the Time window for feedback to 60 seconds. You now want to alert a unit that contains a label with a headcount of 1. There are two participants in your organisation who have the label. Both participants use the GroupAlarm App as their primary device and e-mail as their secondary device with a delay of 30 seconds. In the event of an alarm, the system will first randomly alert one of the two participants via the app. If the participant does not respond within 30 seconds, the alert is also sent by email. From this point onwards, the time window for feedback takes effect. If the participant does not respond to the alert for a further 60 seconds, the participant is marked with no response and the second participant is alerted.

In such a case, it is important to find a balance. On the one hand, you want to give the participants enough time to provide feedback. On the other hand, the time window should not be too long so as not to delay alerting other participants too much.

💡 By default, the time window for feedback is set to 300 seconds.

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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