GroupAlarm Messenger allows direct and secure communication between the users of an organization via the mobile apps.
By default, each organization gets a room with the same name, which contains all users of the organization and is automatically kept in sync with them.
Dedicated rooms
Dedicated rooms are ideal to give subgroups, teams, or committees a simple communication channel.
The overview of all rooms is located in the menu under "Administration" > "Messenger" and is available for organization administrators and participants with the "Chat" permission role.

Open the overview of all rooms and click on the "CREATE ROOM" button.
Now enter a unique name for the new room. The specification of participants and an avatar is optional. All entries can be changed later.

After creating the room, it is immediately available in the mobile apps. You may have to refresh the room list there once to find the new room.
When you edit a room, the changes you make become effective immediately.
A newly added user immediately gains access to all messages sent from that point on and can send new messages themselves.
A removed user keeps the entire conversation on their smartphone, but can no longer send or receive new messages.
If you delete a room, it cannot be restored later.
All users keep the entire conversation on their smartphones, but can no longer send or receive new messages.
Event-related rooms
An event-related room is automatically created as soon as a new event is started. Users who agree to one of the associated alarms are automatically added to this room. Optionally, users who have received the alarm, but have not responded can also be added.
This function is disabled by default and can be set up in the organization settings. In addition, the time period after which a room is automatically closed once the associated event has been closed can be set up there.
Updated on: 01/02/2024
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