Document storage
The document storage allows you to upload files to GroupAlarm so that they can be made available to participants in the context of alarms, for example. One possible application example would be site plans.
As an administrator, you can find the document storage under Admin ⇾ Documents.
The documentation to manage your document storage optional via the GroupAlarm API interface can be found here.
Participants can view the document storage accessible to them under Alerting ⇾ Documents. In addition, individual documents are available in the GroupAlarm App in an alarm if the linked document key was specified when the alarm was triggered.
1️⃣ To be able to use the document storage, you must first book a storage via CREATE DOCUMENT STORAGE. Here you can choose between three packages:
1 GB at 2.99 €/ month
5 GB for 9.99 € / month
10 GB for 14.99 € / month
To test the document storage, you have the option of booking a one-off free storage of 50 MB during the initial setup. This can be used indefinitely.
⚠️ If you have already booked a paid storage, the free trial storage is no longer available.
⚠️ A document storage can only be increased later. It is not possible to reduce the size. If you increase the size of the free storage, it will be converted into a paid storage.
💡 The setup page of a document storage is practically identical to the editing view. This is explained in more detail under Edit document storage.
2️⃣ Under Document storage you will find a list of all the document storages you have booked.
To view the contents of a document storage and to upload files, please click on the name of the respective storage. Details on managing your document storage can be found under Manage document storage.
The pencil icon can be used to customise the configuration of the respective storage. You can find details on this under Edit document storage.
The red recycle bin allows you to delete a document storage. By deleting it, the document storage will no longer be charged from the next billing period.
❗️ Deleting a document storage is irrevocable. All data stored in the storage is lost when it is deleted.
3️⃣ Under Document Key, keys can be created which you can assign specifically to individual documents in your storage. If you then enter such a key when an alarm is triggered, the corresponding documents that have been connected with the key are automatically made available.
Similar to the location, the document keys can be specified as Additional information in the manual trigger of alarms or the trigger alarm element in the flow, as well as in the alarm templates.

1️⃣ As you can use several document storages at the same time, a document storage can be given a name and a description for a better overview.
2️⃣ The size of the document storage defines how much storage space is available to you in the respective document storage. You can also expand the memory at this point. To do this, simply select the corresponding storage size. The desired plan is highlighted in blue by the selection and booked by clicking on UPDATE DOCUMENT STORAGE.
3️⃣ The permissions of a document storage allow you to define which participants should be authorised to view and edit this specific document storage and the documents it contains.
By default, every participant in your organisation has read and write access. If you want to restrict the rights for all participants, at least one participant must be defined for read and write access and optionally for exclusive read access.
If you want to grant an individual participant general access to all document storages, you can also create a corresponding permission role with the Document storage service. Details on permissions can be found here.
4️⃣ You can apply the settings you have made via UPDATE DOCUMENT STORAGE. Any selected upgrade of your document storage is then automatically booked.

1️⃣ To upload files to your document storage, simply click on the desired storage in the document storage overview and select UPLOAD DOCUMENT. In the following view, you can then select the file on your computer and already assign a document key to it.
To organise the files in your storage, you also have the option of creating folders, similar to a normal file system.
2️⃣ Below the storage name you will find a list of all the folders and files stored in the document storage.
The icons on the right-hand side can be used to manage the documents.
The download icon allows you to download the file.
The pencil icon allows you to rename the file and adjust the linked document keys.
You can delete the file using the red recycle bin icon.

As an administrator, you can find the document storage under Admin ⇾ Documents.
The documentation to manage your document storage optional via the GroupAlarm API interface can be found here.
Participants can view the document storage accessible to them under Alerting ⇾ Documents. In addition, individual documents are available in the GroupAlarm App in an alarm if the linked document key was specified when the alarm was triggered.
1️⃣ To be able to use the document storage, you must first book a storage via CREATE DOCUMENT STORAGE. Here you can choose between three packages:
1 GB at 2.99 €/ month
5 GB for 9.99 € / month
10 GB for 14.99 € / month
To test the document storage, you have the option of booking a one-off free storage of 50 MB during the initial setup. This can be used indefinitely.
⚠️ If you have already booked a paid storage, the free trial storage is no longer available.
⚠️ A document storage can only be increased later. It is not possible to reduce the size. If you increase the size of the free storage, it will be converted into a paid storage.
💡 The setup page of a document storage is practically identical to the editing view. This is explained in more detail under Edit document storage.
2️⃣ Under Document storage you will find a list of all the document storages you have booked.
To view the contents of a document storage and to upload files, please click on the name of the respective storage. Details on managing your document storage can be found under Manage document storage.
The pencil icon can be used to customise the configuration of the respective storage. You can find details on this under Edit document storage.
The red recycle bin allows you to delete a document storage. By deleting it, the document storage will no longer be charged from the next billing period.
❗️ Deleting a document storage is irrevocable. All data stored in the storage is lost when it is deleted.
3️⃣ Under Document Key, keys can be created which you can assign specifically to individual documents in your storage. If you then enter such a key when an alarm is triggered, the corresponding documents that have been connected with the key are automatically made available.
Similar to the location, the document keys can be specified as Additional information in the manual trigger of alarms or the trigger alarm element in the flow, as well as in the alarm templates.

Edit document storage
1️⃣ As you can use several document storages at the same time, a document storage can be given a name and a description for a better overview.
2️⃣ The size of the document storage defines how much storage space is available to you in the respective document storage. You can also expand the memory at this point. To do this, simply select the corresponding storage size. The desired plan is highlighted in blue by the selection and booked by clicking on UPDATE DOCUMENT STORAGE.
3️⃣ The permissions of a document storage allow you to define which participants should be authorised to view and edit this specific document storage and the documents it contains.
By default, every participant in your organisation has read and write access. If you want to restrict the rights for all participants, at least one participant must be defined for read and write access and optionally for exclusive read access.
If you want to grant an individual participant general access to all document storages, you can also create a corresponding permission role with the Document storage service. Details on permissions can be found here.
4️⃣ You can apply the settings you have made via UPDATE DOCUMENT STORAGE. Any selected upgrade of your document storage is then automatically booked.

Manage document storage
1️⃣ To upload files to your document storage, simply click on the desired storage in the document storage overview and select UPLOAD DOCUMENT. In the following view, you can then select the file on your computer and already assign a document key to it.
To organise the files in your storage, you also have the option of creating folders, similar to a normal file system.
2️⃣ Below the storage name you will find a list of all the folders and files stored in the document storage.
The icons on the right-hand side can be used to manage the documents.
The download icon allows you to download the file.
The pencil icon allows you to rename the file and adjust the linked document keys.
You can delete the file using the red recycle bin icon.

Updated on: 10/09/2024
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