Articles on: Konfiguration
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This module is an optional extension and must be activated first.

Appointment overview

Within the appointment overview of your organization, you can see all appointments that are due within the next month.
Use the selection at the top right to choose any other period to display further appointments.

At this point, you can also set whether further columns (e.g. with the repetition frequency of an appointment) are to be displayed.

Personal appointment overview

Each participant has his/her own appointment overview in his/her profile. To do this, open your profile menu and click on the Appointments button.

You will then receive an overview of all appointments from all organizations to which you have been invited or have invited yourself.

iCal Export

The SHARE button at the top left gives you access to an iCal export of your personal appointments.

You can store this URL e.g. in Google Calendar, Outlook or your mobile calendar to always have all appointments from GroupAlarm stored in your personal main calendar.

Appointment details

If you need further information about an appointment or want to change your feedback, simply click on an individual appointment within the appointment overview.

On the details page, you will see the description of an appointment, the start, and end dates and the recurrences of the appointment series.

In addition, you will also receive an overview of all invited participants, including their feedback.

Create appointments

To create a new appointment, open the corresponding view via the CREATE APPOINTMENT button in the desired organisation.

1️⃣ Under Appointment Details, you can add a name and a short description to the appointment. You can also specify which participants you would like to invite to the appointment. In addition to individual participants, you also have the option of inviting the participants of a label collectively. See also Invite participants via labels.

2️⃣ You specify the time of the appointment under Date and Time. To do this, you can define the start and end of your appointment separately with the date and time. You can also specify whether you want to create a recurring appointment. The frequency of the recurrences can be defined individually. See also Recurring appointments.

3️⃣ You can specify the time of the invitation via Advanced Settings. By default, participants are invited immediately when the appointment is created. However, if you would like to plan the time of the invitation in advance, you can set the relevant time individually.

You can also send participants a reminder for the appointment. This is particularly helpful for recurring appointments. You can choose from various predefined times. The reminder can be sent at the time of the appointment or up to a week before the appointment.

4️⃣ The function The Appointment will be displayed in the public calendar allows you to mark appointments as public. Such appointments can then be made available in a public calendar of your organisation. To do this, the appointments can be exported as iCal in the overview of appointments via SHARE PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS. Feedback from your participants and non-public appointments are not included in this view.

Edit appointments

You can easily edit an appointment via the corresponding icon within the appointment overview, provided you have the necessary rights.

For recurring appointments, you can choose whether to edit a single appointment, the selected appointment and all subsequent appointments or all appointments in the series.
If you edit all appointments of a series, the start, and end dates cannot be adjusted.

Subsequently, all newly invited participants automatically receive an invitation, all removed participants receive a cancellation and all other participants receive an update on this appointment.
If you have set your own notification time, only the participants who have already accepted the invitation will receive information about the change based on their notification settings.

Delete appointments

You can delete an appointment simply by clicking the corresponding icon within the appointment overview, provided you have the necessary rights.

For recurring appointments, you have the choice of deleting a single appointment, the selected appointment and all subsequent appointments or all appointments in the series.
The decision made here is final and cannot be reversed.

Subsequently, all invited participants automatically receive a cancellation for this appointment.
If you have set your own notification time, only the participants who have already accepted the invitation will receive this cancellation based on their notification settings.

Invite participants via labels

In addition or as an alternative to inviting participants directly, you can add any labels to an appointment.
This automatically invites all participants who are assigned at least one of these labels to the appointment.

Optionally, you can also activate the automatic synchronization of participants. This means that participants who only receive one of the invited labels later are automatically invited to the appointment. At the same time, participants who are deprived of all the invited labels are automatically uninvited from the appointment.
If this function is not active, the participants of the labels are only updated when creating and each subsequent editing of the appointment.

If a participant is invited to the appointment both directly and via a label at the same time, the direct invitation has priority over the invitation via a label.
If a label is deleted that is still being used in an appointment without synchronization, all participants already invited via this label are retained. Since all participants must be removed from a label before it is removed, they are also uninvited from the appointment if synchronization is active.


By default, you will receive all appointment invitations as push notifications in the mobile app and by email.
You can adjust these settings at any time in your profile under Notifications.

Recurring appointments

Recurring appointments are particularly suitable for regularly occurring events such as meetings and trainings.

Configure a new or existing appointment as usual and choose from a predefined setting in the Repetition section, or set up the repetition manually via the Custom item.

The following repetitions of an appointment are possible:

daily appointments
weekly appointments on one or more weekdays
monthly appointments
on the selected day of the month
on the selected day of the week in any week
annual appointments

In addition, an interval can always be defined in which the appointments are to occur. Thus, for example, an appointment can occur only every second week instead of every week.

In addition, a selection of the following cancellation criteria is possible.

Number of appointments (e.g. max. 3 appointments)
Last date (e.g. a series until 31.12.)

Feedback from participants

Your participants can also send confirmations or cancellations for recurring appointments. The first choice made is used as the standard response for all appointments within the series.
If participation in an individual appointment is not possible, the participant can change his or her feedback as usual for this individual appointment.

Behaviour for special data

If an appointment is not possible due to calendar reasons, it will be scheduled for the last possible day.
An appointment occurring on the 31st of the month will thus already be scheduled on 30.04.

Updated on: 10/09/2024

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