Monitors: Date format
Date format
Some input fields allow a display date to be formatted as desired. For example, a date can display only the day and month, including the time in 12-hour format. To specify how the date should look, use the formatting symbols h, H, m, M, s, d, and y.

Date entry
d: Day one-digit (1), dd: Day two-digit (01)
M: month one-digit (1), MM: month two-digit (01), MMM: month by name (January).
y: Year four digits (2019), yy: Year two digits (19).
Time specification
h: hours one-digit in 12-hour format (1), hh: hours two-digit in 12-hour format (01)
H: hours one-digit in 24-hour format, HH: hours two-digit in 24-hour format (13)
m: minutes one-digit, mm: minutes two-digit
s: Seconds one-digit, ss: Seconds two-digit
Embed texts in the date format
Note that the characters h, H, m, M, s, d, and y are interpreted as formatting symbols only. If you want to embed a text like hours to lunch in the date format, you have to put it in simple quotation marks: `H hours to lunch.
Birthday (e.g. 15.01.): dd.MM.
Month and year only (e.g. 02.2022): MM.yyyy
Month only, but written out (e.g. January): MMM
Date, but year abbreviated (e.g. 15.01.98): dd.MM.yy
Date and time (e.g. 15.01.1998 at 13:37): dd.MM.yyyy 'at' HH:mm
Time in 24-hour format (e.g. 13:37): HH:mm
Time in hours - minutes - seconds format (e.g. 23 - 59 - 1): H - m - s
Time in seconds - minutes - hours format (e.g. 1 - 59 - 23): s - m - H
Seconds display (e.g. 41 seconds): s 'seconds'
Further formatting options can be found here.
Updated on: 28/09/2022
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