Articles on: Alarming
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Each triggered alarm receives an overview that shows all information of an alarm.
This includes alarm message, start time, end time and selected alarm strategy.

PDF export

Via the download menu "Reports" below the alarm data, the alarm details can also be downloaded as a PDF export. This includes the event, alarm message, address, alarmed resources and a map view of the location.
A complete final report can also be downloaded from the same location, which also contains all feedback received from the participants, including the position distribution.

However, special permissions are required to view the PDF, which only organization administrators and owners receive by default. Of course, they can also be assigned to any other participant via the authorization administration.

Strength message

If activated, the strength message available in the shop is displayed below the alarm data.

Alarmed resources

The alarmed scenarios, units, labels, and participants can be seen in the lower area of the alarm overview.
To the left of the names of the participants, the current alerting status of the participant can be viewed.

The following options are possible:

The participant has positively acknowledged the alarm

The participant has acknowledged the alarm negatively.

The participant is currently being alerted.

The participant did not acknowledge the alarm.

The participant was not available.

The participant was moved to another position in the alarm.

Displaying the arrival time of a participant

If an organization location has been stored in the [organization settings](), the travel time from the current location of the participant to the organization is determined when an alarm is acknowledged via app. The current traffic situation is taken into account as much as possible. The participant's location is not updated on the journey to the organization, so it is only an approximate indication of when to expect the participant at the organization.

Updated on: 27/09/2022

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